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Level 1
Connecting with the five elements in
nature and in ourselves

14 evening-19 November May 2024
Bua Resort, Suan Phueng district, Ratchaburi Province ( south-west)

Do you want to explore the elements of nature and their different types of qualities and energies? Are you curious about connecting deeply with trees? Do you want to practice your perception of nature’s energy and feeling your own energy?

Nature’s energy is ever-present in our life, in the soil we walk on, in the air we breathe and in the food we eat. So, when we consciously connect with the energy of nature, we explore the natural world in a deeper way. This can help us to find harmony and stability within ourselves in our daily life, and get us in touch with the healing powers of nature.


This five-day “Energy of Nature” workshop guides the participants towards the cultivation of a deep awareness of their intuitive relationship with nature, particularly with trees and plants. Through experiential activities, the participants will understand and expand their conscious perception of energy and enhance their connection with their intuition. They will also deepen their connection with themselves and their own qualities, and with nature and its supportive and healing energy. An exploration of the five elements in nature (earth, water, fire, air and ether), their different qualities and healing powers, will be conducted during the workshop.


The experiential activities will get to explore and practice the following aspects:

  • Identification of one’s perception of energy in oneself and in nature.

  • Practice of one’s connection to earth (grounding and anchoring) and its energy.

  • Practice of stability at body, mind and spiritual levels.

  • Connection with the spiritual heart and practice of centering.

  • Development of one’s intuition.

  • Choice of a tree to establish a personal relationship with.

  • Exploration of the trees’ energy and their different qualities and healing powers.

  • Introduction to the five elements in nature (earth, water, fire, air and ether), their qualities and expression in nature and in ourselves, and their healing powers.

  • Identification of places replenishing our energy.

  • Guided contemplations on nature.



This workshop is leading you to connect at a deeper level with nature and with yourself, to the perception of the energy that is in all living beings. Looking at the elements of nature allows us to understand ourselves more in our perception of our daily life, its events and challenges and how to deal with them. This also helps us to get their support from our environment and particularly from nature. Giving these workshops, I witness numerous changes in the participants: in the quality and depth of their connection with nature, in the understanding of themselves, their qualities and strengths, in the resolve of some issues they have and that they can let go, in the connection of their spirituality – connectedness with the Universal Consciousness – with their present life and the strength it provides. The connection with trees adds something precious to these transformations, as trees are channels from soil to cosmos, and in their compassion, they help and guide us to higher levels of perception of ourselves and the world. All these changes witnessed are, every time, a wonder, showing the power that nature has.

Bring your favourite pen and notebook, drawing paper, colour pencils or other drawing material, and a sitting pad for when in nature.

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